* In 2019 we donated 25 computers, a smart tv and printer to the Shtee Ambika Secundary School in Hyangja.
A former Swedish volunteer teacher will sponsor some recent orphan’s of this school.
* Our 7th Medical tour by our Bsure-team was a great succes. Dr. Jan’s team was reinforced by Dr. Jos and his wife. Thsu we could treat so many more patients. Over 2500 in all.
We need a mobile Echo and ECG unit for better diagnostics.
In 2020 a just retired doctor’s couple from the U.K. will join our team.
* In Siling municipality of Manakamana we expanded our water holding tanks by 8 x 5000 l. Now 7 villages have year round water access.
In 2020 we want to install a industrial water filtration unit to make truly safe drinking water.
* In our frist projectschool in Chitre (since 1999) we are looking to merge the school children from nearby Ghorepani as the mountain villages are getting somewhat empty of young couples.
* We are waiting for more budget of our Bhakimele school in Myagdi to finish and the construction and start furnishing the classrooms.
Some volunteers of the American Peace Corps are teaching here now.
In 2020 we would also like to make this a green school.
A detailed report (PDF file) is downloadable here below: